Телефон доверия
email: zhiger-pavlodar@goo.edu.kz
Адрес: Академик Шокин к. 32/2
вахта: 65-43-22 есепші кабинеті: 65-34-32 қабылдау: 65-43-20 әдістемелік қабинеті: 65-43-21
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График приема граждан:
Азаматтарды жеке сұрақтарымен қабылдайтын кестесі: Сейсенбі, 16-00 сағаттан- 18-00 дейін Сәрсенбі, 10-00 сағаттан- 12-00 дейін
Pavlodar hosted an open boxing tournament among young men dedicated to the Children's Day and the memory of veterans of Pavlodar Irtysh boxing.
Pavlodar hosted an open boxing tournament among young men dedicated to the Children's Day and the memory of veterans of Pavlodar Irtysh boxing.

May 30th -  June 1st , 2019   Pavlodar hosted an open boxing tournament among young men dedicated to the Children's Day and the memory of veterans of Pavlodar Irtysh boxing.
The strongest boxers of Karaganda, Maikuduk, Stepnogorsk and Pavlodar region took part in the tournament, total 120 participants.
The young boxers of the “Zhiger” Children's and Teen Club took the following places:
3rd place -  Kabdulmanap Zhalkas (" Aynalayn”), Serikbosynov Yernar  (Aynalayn), Serikbosynov Yernar ((" Aynalayn”) Coaches: Ertai Zhamenkenov and Beksultan Suleimenov . Congratulations !!!