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22-01-2018 13:34
Жалпы білім беру мектеп оқшыларының 47-ші қалалық спартакиада бағдарламасында үстел теннисі бойынша (ІІ лига, қыздар) ІІІ орынға ие болғаны үшін №30 ЖОМ командасы марапатталды. Құттықтаймыз!
20-01-2018 12:28
Жалпы білім беру мектеп мұғалімдерінің 47-ші қалалық спартакиада бағдарламасында шаңғы жарысы бойынша ІІІ орынға ие болғаны үшін №30 ЖОМ денешынықтыру мұғалімі Машимов Б.Ш. мадақтамамен марапатталды. Құттықтаймыз!
"Renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan"
15-01-2018 14:42
January 15, 2018 in our school from 1 to 9 classes were class hours on the topic: "Renewable energy in Kazakhstan."
13-01-2018 11:15
For the preparation of the winner of the regional stage of the Republican Olympiad on General subjects 56 No. 30 of Pavlodar city Bakhyt Barachina Nakupov teacher secondary school letter of thanks. Congratulations!
Послание Президента Республики Казахстан Нурсултана Назарбаева
11-01-2018 12:41
11 January 2018 pedagogical collective of school № 10 of the city of Pavlodar on January 30, 2018 listened to and discussed the text of the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev "New possibilities of development in the context of the fourth industrial revolution".
Message From The President
Message From The President
11-01-2018 11:22
This year the Message of the President on development of the country in terms of the fourth industrial revolution. "The stage production of the revolution of mankind. New technologies are changing the world every day. Using the case of Kazakhstan, testato process of Kazakhstan's joining top 30 developed countries",- said the head of State in his statement. 10 key areas identified in the President's message should be
11-01-2018 10:01
На общешкольной линейке прошло награждение наших выдающихся учеников - победителей различных научных и спортивных олимпиад. А также мы не забыли о наших помощниках - школьном комитете "Жаркын Бол...
The President Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan N. The next message of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan
The President Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan N. The next message of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan
10-01-2018 15:54
Today in Pavlodar city "No. 30 secondary school", the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. MM in the team.Discussed the next message of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan.
The pride of our school
The pride of our school
09-01-2018 15:25
In this academic year in the city subject Olympiad on history of Kazakhstan Olga Kairova student 9 " A " 1st place in regional subject Olympiad 3rd place.
05-01-2018 11:27
Dear Gulzhan Shayakhmetovna! Dear staff of the Department of education of Pavlodar! On behalf of GU SOSH №30 of the education Department, we cordially congratulate You happy birthday.Pavlodar! In modern...
 Creative activity
Creative activity "Kazakh national ornaments" within the framework of the program "Ruhani Zh" ayyr
05-01-2018 11:18
On January 5, 2018 in the 8th G class, for the purpose of employment of students during vacation time, as well as within the framework of the program "Ruhani Zhahiru", a lesson of decorative and applied art "Kazakh National Ornaments"
"Welcome, New Year!"
05-01-2018 11:15
№30 JOM "Welcome, New Year!" a festive event. Different games, flashmobs and beautiful songs sounded on New Year's Eve. The event ended with New Year's party
New Year
New Year
05-01-2018 11:12
On December 28, a New Year tree was held at 6 "B" class. Kulikova Eva and Madenov Daniel took an active part in the celebration of the New Year holiday.
The lesson-presentation
The lesson-presentation "Sacred places of Pavlodar region"
04-01-2018 13:57
In the winter holidays, January 4, 2018 at 8 "G" class in the framework of the "Spiritual Revival" was held the lesson using ICT-presentation on the theme "the Sacred places of Pavlodar region".
 New Year's Showcase
New Year's Showcase
03-01-2018 13:51
New Year is a time of magic, smiles and happiness. On this holiday everyone can believe in a fairy tale, plunge into the atmosphere of something unusual, mysterious, fascinating and, undoubtedly, unforgettable
New Year
New Year
28-12-2017 14:52
In a new union tradition in New Year 's trade union №30, recruiters are rewarded with a gift of "a strawberry". The collective was pronounced for the novelty stigmatization and pesni to get a nice gift. At the end of the fun, the friendly chorus of the elms.
All the best!
All the best!
28-12-2017 12:14
The graduate school №30 under the guidance of the tutor IZO and technology Toleubay Saule Kayyrbekov was a member of the contest "Mir Zhivotniy" and "The Waltz New Year" in the Republican contest, where the following results were summarized:
In anticipation of the new year
In anticipation of the new year
27-12-2017 15:40
New year is the most magical, beautiful, most mysterious and cheerful holiday! Since the beginning of December, preparations for the holiday: outdoor garlands were decorated, the town grew in the tree, light the Christmas lights on the Windows of shops.
"My Independent Country - Support!"
15-12-2017 08:16
To celebrate the Independence Day, a festive concert was held in our school to implement the "Spiritual Renaissance" state program.
"My beloved mother"
15-12-2017 06:15
In connection with the Independence Day there was held a competition of reader r eading among 30 primary school students on the subject "The Independence Tragedy".