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График приема граждан:
Әр айдың дүйсенбі күні сағат 16.00-18.00 дейін
In a year
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In a week
13-04-2019 01:56
April 13, 2019 in our garden was held Saturday. All employees of kindergarten, and also a large number of parents were involved in this action. A lot of work was done: cleaning of the territory, paint...
Festival "Altyn Bala"
11-04-2019 02:02
Today in our garden among children attending the circle of choreography the festival "Altyn Bala"was held. Children competed between groups. As a result of the competition, children were awa...
Speech at school №16
Speech at school №16
19-03-2019 01:34
On the eve of the holiday "Nauryz" pupils of our kindergarten were invited to school №16 to perform at the concert. The boys performed the dance "Zhigitter" and the girls dance &qu...
Exhibition dedicated to the holiday
Exhibition dedicated to the holiday "Nauryz"
18-03-2019 01:25
According to the annual plan for the 2018-2019 school year, a wonderful exhibition was organized with the participation of parents on the eve of the holiday. Parents made small models of different mat...
City competition
City competition "Kyz sons"
14-03-2019 01:45
March 14, in the kindergarten № 8 among the pupils of the kindergartens held a competition "Kyz syny". The competition was attended by 5 kindergartens, a kindergarten № 7, 8, 12, 30, 33. The...
Rewarding employees
Rewarding employees
06-03-2019 02:04
The holiday "March 8" head Isabekov Ainur Erkinovna employees were awarded letters of appreciation from the Department of education. For honest work in the field of preschool education were...
Exhibition of works for the holiday
Exhibition of works for the holiday "March 8"
05-03-2019 01:56
On the eve of the first spring holiday in our kindergarten there was an exhibition of works made by children and their parents. Talented children and parents made a lot of different fakes. The best wo...
The competition
The competition "Sport - the guarantee of health"
28-02-2019 02:18
On February 28, 2019 our sports teachers took part in the competition "Sport is the key to health". The competition was held by kindergarten №8. Our opponents were kindergartens №8 and №12....
City competition
City competition " Zhigit sultany ""
25-02-2019 02:29
II city competition "Zhigit sultany" was held on February 25, 2019 in kindergarten №33 in Pavlodar. The competition was attended by pupils of kindergartens № 8, 12, 21, 30, 33, 38, 122. The...
Competition "communication Corner"
06-02-2019 02:29
In our kindergarten, in accordance with the annual plan, the competition "communication Corner"was held. The purpose of the competition: the availability and compliance of the material accor...
"Magic holiday" in children of the second younger groups
27-12-2018 11:45
Волшебный, веселый праздник прошел у наших детей из групп "Жулдыздар" и "Көбелек". К детям в гости пришли Дед Мороз и Снегурочка. Дети рассказывали стихотворения, пели песни, танце...
Masha visiting children of the first younger group
Masha visiting children of the first younger group
26-12-2018 11:22
Masha and snow maiden visited the youngest children. Guests cheerfully congratulated the children on the holiday!
Celebrate the New year!!!
Celebrate the New year!!!
24-12-2018 10:51
В предверии праздника "Новый год" педагогами нашего сада была создана уютная зона для фотосессии. Родители после утренников с огромным удовольствием фотографировали своих детей!
"Independence Day" Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
14-12-2018 11:34
For the purpose of Patriotic education of preschool children in the walls of our garden were themed matinees, themed classes.
Exhibition "Seven faces of the great steppe"
14-12-2018 10:40
In our kindergarten hosted an exhibition dedicated to article N..Nazarbayev's "Seven sides of the great steppe". At the exhibition, the children prepared and showed various tasks.
Қалалық ашық көрсетілімдер
Қалалық ашық көрсетілімдер
05-12-2018 14:25
2018 жылдың 5 - ші желтоқсан күні категорияға баратын педагогтар қалалық ашық сабақтар өткізді. Педагогтар сабақтарды жоғары деңгейде көрсетіп, келген қонақтардың көңілінен шыға білді.
V Республикалық би байқауы
V Республикалық би байқауы "Би бала"
02-12-2018 14:20
Павлодар қаласының №33 сәбилер бақшасының тәрбиеленушілері "Би бала" атты V Республикалық би байқауына қатысты. Байқау барысында балалар "Зажигательные нотки" атты бимен ІІ орыңға...
Жоспар бойынша ашық сабақтар
Жоспар бойынша ашық сабақтар
22-11-2018 14:39
2018 жылдың қарашаның 22 - сі және 23 - ші күндер аралығында жылдық жоспарға сәйкес ашық сабақтар өтті. Педагогтар өз білімдерін көрсетті.
The contest
The contest "nature of the Area"
16-11-2018 02:10
In our kindergarten among children, parents and teachers constantly pass various competitions. One of them is the contest "nature Corner".    Purpose: the conformity of nature...
"Менің сүйікті ойыншығым" атты мастер класс
15-11-2018 10:36
"Менің сүйікті ойыншығым" атты даярлық топтың балалармен мастер класс өтті. Балалар өз қолымен қауіпсіз ойыншықтарды істеуге үйренді.