Today, the students of 6 "V" class took part in class lesson dedicated to the Day of the First President. During the class hour, the students were shown a video film titled &laq...
Today in 4 "A" class hour passed on the theme "My first president", dedicated to the Day of the First President. Our objective was to give information about our Presid...
48 city games on the national game togyzkumalak. In the sports day, students were awarded diplomas of the second and third degree. Also in the team game girls took 1st place, boys-3rd pla...
English teachers of our school Amirgaliyeva A.S. and Smailova A.T. received certificates for active participation in the Republican Scientific-practical Conference on the theme "Trilingual...
Solemn meeting dedicated to the opening of the week of events dedicated to the Day of the President! During the event, a solemn ceremony of awarding the active students of the school! We are de...
On November 24, 2018, students of our school took part in the regional competition on Kazakh kuresi. The competition was attended by al-Farabi Ayzat, al-Farabi Bekzat Bakytzhanova Adiljan, Bola...
24.11.2018 year at 11.00 hours in the framework of career guidance for graduates of our school and parents held a meeting with 2 higher education institutions of the city: Pavlodar state p...
Today SOSPA N7 was held an ecological action "a Cafe for the birds" among the 4 classes. The purpose of the action: training and hanging crocodiles, bird feeders. This action is aimed...
A classroom hour passed in 8B class on crime prevention. They were acquainted with the convention on the rights of the child. They tried to apply their knowledge of the child, examining various...
Learners of the 6th grade, Mantai Sansulu and Insebaeva Leila, were awarded diplomas of I and II degrees at the Republican distance Olympiad in English. Teachers: Amirgaliyeva A.S., Smail...
On the 14th of November of the current year, in the 5 “A” class of the 7 th school a class hour was held on the topic «Child and his right». Purpose: To acquaint c...
Today, 14.11.2018, in the 11th “a” class was a class hour on the theme “Tenge - a symbol of independence”. Objective: to give a general explanation of the appearan...
Pupils of the 3rd "A" class of the school number 7 of Kabdulina Aidan and Sabdekova Gaziz took the 2nd prize place at the regional stage of the competition of scientific project...
November 9, 6-8 classes held a flash mob in the framework of the campaign for the prevention of Smoking “We don’t smoke”. the purpose of the action is to prevent the use of to...
Today, the rescuer of the Rescue team Of the Department of emergency situations of Pavlodar region Akkuzinova E. S. with the participation of students of our school was held a meeting on...
In order to familiarize the teachers of the school with the model "Writing the Kazakh alphabet in Latin", active work began. In this regard, the school opened a circle of langua...
November 7, 8 " a " class was a class hour on the theme "We are against violence and extremism." During the discussion, students openly expressed their views on combat...
Күзгі демалыс уақытында 9- сынып оқушылары С.Торайғыров атындағы облыстық кітапханаға барып, кітапхана ғимаратындағы өзгерістермен танысып, ПМУ-нің машина жасау факультетінің аға оқытушысымен к...
On October 31st students of 8 " a " class took part in the library hour in the library of Kazakh literature №17 in Pavlodar. This event was held by the head of the library Nurum...
2018 жылдың 30 қазанында Павлодар мемлекеттік педагогикалық университетінде "Рухани жаңғыру" бағдарламасы аясында әлеуметтік педагогтар арасында олимпиада өтті. Аталмыш олимпиадаға мек...