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email: zhiger-pavlodar@goo.edu.kz
Адрес: Академик Шокин к. 32/2
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График приема граждан:
Азаматтарды жеке сұрақтарымен қабылдайтын кестесі: Сейсенбі, 16-00 сағаттан- 18-00 дейін Сәрсенбі, 10-00 сағаттан- 12-00 дейін
Certificate of Honour
03-10-2022 10:33
Certificate of Honour

Our teacher of additional education Farhat Maratovich Ospanov was awarded for many years of selfless work, great contribution to the development of the education system, education of the younger generation, as well as in connection with the celebration of Teacher's Day. We heartily congratulate Farhat Maratovich, wish him good health, clear sky.