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email: zhiger-pavlodar@goo.edu.kz
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График приема граждан:
Азаматтарды жеке сұрақтарымен қабылдайтын кестесі: Сейсенбі, 16-00 сағаттан- 18-00 дейін Сәрсенбі, 10-00 сағаттан- 12-00 дейін
June 2nd, 2019. The second annual charity concert of the vocal group “As-Sol” under the aegis of “Zhylamasyn Sabiler” took place in the State Palace of Culture named after Estai.
03-06-2019 09:38
June 2nd, 2019. The second annual charity concert of the vocal group “As-Sol” under the aegis of “Zhylamasyn Sabiler” took place in the State Palace of Culture named after Estai.

June 2nd, 2019. The second annual charity concert of the vocal group “As-Sol” under the aegis of “Zhylamasyn Sabiler” took place in the State Palace of Culture named after Estai.
More than 300 thousand tenge was collected by partial people for the treatment of Dzhusupova Sabina suffering from hip dysplasia. Sabina is a pupil of a family-type children's village, Kenzhekol.
Pupils of children-teen clubs “Zhiger”, “Zhas Tolkyn”, the development center of the “Kids Club” and pupils of a family-type orphanage in Kenzkol participated in the concert.
Assel Kulzhanova, a teacher with a big heart, was able to unite hundreds of people by doing a good deed.