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All the best!
28-12-2017 12:14
All the best!

The graduate school №30 under the guidance of the tutor IZO and technology Toleubay Saule Kayyrbekov was a member of the contest "Mir Zhivotniy" and "The Waltz New Year" in the Republican contest, where the following results were summarized:

- Ilyashev Daulet graduated from the 8 "B" class in the 3rd place in the nomination "Поделка";

- Zvonkovskaya Karina flight 5 "B" class 2 place in the nomination "Drawing";

- Musabaeva Madina 8 "B" class took 2 places in nomination "Ded Moroz".

The designer of the handset was awarded the Diploma. All the best, I would like to congratulate and wish you further creative successes!