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On the air "Zhas Ulan"
13-04-2018 10:34
On the air

Within the framework of the implementation of the program "Ruhani zhanyrou", the Regional Headquarters of the "
Ulan "of Pavlodar region launches the complex of activities" Open air show "On air Zhas Ulan" till the end of the academic year.
In this connection, on April 12, 2018 for students of the school № 30 in Pavlodar in
Within the framework of this set of events, the Quest game "Touchan zher" was conducted.
The purpose of the event is: the development of knowledge about their native land, patriotism,
love of one's land, active citizenship.
Guys 2 "b" class with pleasure participated in quizzes, guessed riddles, sang and danced. We look forward to further cooperation and new meetings !!!