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City competition " Zhigit sultany ""
25-02-2019 01:29
City competition
II city competition "Zhigit sultany" was held on February 25, 2019 in kindergarten №33 in Pavlodar. The competition was attended by pupils of kindergartens № 8, 12, 21, 30, 33, 38, 122. The purpose - education of love for the Motherland, knowledge of customs and traditions of the Kazakh people.
"5 – 6 - year-old boys sang songs, danced, read expressively, solved mathematical tasks on mental arithmetic, participated in national games, competed on knowledge of customs and traditions. We want to continue this tradition and to create in the minds of the younger generation of knowledge about the culture, language and mentality of our country," - said Isabekov Ainur Erkinovna, head of the kindergarten №33.
Children together with their parents and teachers on homework on the theme "Seven faces of the great steppe" made various layouts. Participants were able to fully disclose the content of the topics "riding Culture", "Ancient metallurgy of the great steppe", "Animal style", "Golden man", "Cradle of the Turkic world", "Great silk road", "Kazakhstan - the country of apples and tulips". The pupil of a kindergarten №8 Aldiyar Alibek took the top prize for the performance of their tasks sitting on a camel. He gave extensive information on his topic and distributed apples and tulips. I place for the expressive reading of the fable "Dragonfly and ant", presentation of the image of the Golden man took a pupil of kindergarten №33 Abylai Sagyndyk, II place was taken by a pupil of kindergarten №30 Mansur Budeev for the disclosure of the theme "Cradle of the Turkic people". The pupil of a kindergarten №12 Diesel of Tales took third place for the successful opening theme "Culture Supreme drive". Also for active participation in the competition were awarded letters of thanks to 3 participants.