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email: sosh7@goo.edu.kz
Адрес: 140000 Павлодар қ, Жеңіс алаңы көшесі, 13
Қабылдау бөлмесі:62-45-15 Бухгалтер:62-33-30
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Директордың жеке сұрақтар бойынша қабылдау күндері: Сейсенбі - сағ: 14.00-16.00 Жұма - сағ: 14.00-16.00
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да/нет/незнаю - 22
Всего проголосовало: 22
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December 1 - Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
26-11-2018 09:18
December 1 - Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  Solemn meeting dedicated to the opening of the week of events dedicated to the Day of the President! During the event, a solemn ceremony of awarding the active students of the school! We are deeply convinced that in the future we will meet our expectations from the president and the ministers of the school! We believe in you! Forward! “The future is in the hands of the younger generation!”