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График приема граждан:
Директордың жеке сұрақтар бойынша қабылдау күндері: Сейсенбі - сағ: 14.00-16.00 Жұма - сағ: 14.00-16.00
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иә - 27
жоқ - 11
білмеймін - 10
Всего проголосовало: 48
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48 city games on the national game togyzkumalak
27-11-2018 16:03
48 city games on the national game togyzkumalak

   48 city games on the national game togyzkumalak. In the sports day, students were awarded diplomas of the second and third degree. Also in the team game girls took 1st place, boys-3rd place. For the high level of preparation for the game teacher of physical education G. P. Bekbosynov was awarded a diploma. Hello guys! Let there be many victories!