Арқада ән тербеген Естай ақын

On November 30, 2018, students of the 6th grade within the framework of “Рухани жаңғыру” held a literary and musical evening on the theme «Арқада ән тербеген Естай ақын» on the 150 th anniversary of the Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, singer-composer, poet Estai Berkimbaiuly. During the evening, music director R.M.Rakhimbaeva was shown a video about Estai Berkimbayuly, head of the dombra group Talant Manarbekovich sang songs by Yestay «Наз қоңыр», «Юран ай», «Құсни Хорлан». G.Khamitovna school library organized a book exhibition. At the end of the evening, croup. «Жас толкын» congratulated everyone on the holiday “Day 1 of the President”.