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Information about activities undertaken on 9th December - international day against corruption
09-12-2017 05:41
Information about activities undertaken on 9th December - international day against corruption

      On November 29th, 2017 within the program “the moral and civil-patriotic education against corruption, 9th December is international day against corruption our school had some activities with the slogan “Corruption- social disease. There is no way to corruption!” 

       In our school the head of volunteer club Sharbakbayeva A.A. explained the definition “Corruption” and offered to be against the corruption, to develop legal literacy and love our Motherland, respect for people and traditions, aspiration to education and labor and honesty.

      Member of ombudsman school, member of volunteer club at the Katayev,s Palace “Adal Urpak”, 9 “A” grade student D.Mukanova told about activities that being taken against corruption. At the end all students were encouraged to fight corruption. Students shared their opinions and summarized the results.