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Astana is a city of dreams
25-04-2018 21:52
Astana is a city of dreams

       April 19, 2018 in honor of the 20th anniversary of Astana city at school № 35 held a competition "CCR" "Astana - the city of dreams" among students of grades 5-6. The purpose of this event was the formation of spiritual, moral and cultural needs and values of students and development of aesthetic taste.

       The game "CCR" consisted of such sections as greeting, biathlon, and homework. As a result of the game, the main prize was awarded to students of 5 "B" class, the second place was given to pupils of 5 "Ә" class, and the third place went to 6 "B" class. Judges congratulated students for their achievements and wished them every success!

Senior counselor A.T. Baitemirova