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Report on events dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the First President in school № 42 named after M. Auezov.
12-12-2018 09:01
Report on events dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the First President in school № 42 named after M. Auezov.

Report on events dedicated to
the celebration of the Day of the First President in school № 42 named after M. Auezov.
    On November 20, 2018, the grand opening of the decade dedicated to the Day of the First President of the country was held in the school assembly hall. Presentations "Our President" for grades 1-4, films "Path of the Leader" in the assembly hall for students of grades 5-7, "Astana - the heart of Eurasia" - for students 6-8 classes, "Mangilic el" and "Rukhany Zhangyru" for 5-11 classes.
    Also for 5-11 grades on November 22, History teacher Kasenova Zh.Zh. and Kypshakpaeva Sh.I. conducted an informational 15-minute shift on the message of the President “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe” covering 752 students, which accounted for 88% of all students.
    Art teacher Zhanguzhinova G.K. organized an exhibition of drawings “Nurly Zhol - the way to the future” among 1-5 classes, 38 works were selected to commemorate the Day of the First President, which accounted for 38% of all students in grades 1-5.
    As part of the regional project “Menin Tuym”, a large preliminary study was conducted by the administration and class leaders of the school among students and parents. Thus, all classes of the school from 1 to 11 classes took part, which amounted to 100% of the total of 1,419 people, and by November 23 all the flags were hung on the windows of the school. Considering that many works were performed in different techniques, these works were displayed at the exhibition.
    From 27-28.11.2018 the “Army Song Festival“ Zhas Ulan-2018 ” was held among 5-10 classes, organized by the music teachers Temirgalina A. K. and Askarova K.A., and Tazbulatov K.K. - Teacher of BMT. The event was aimed at the spiritual, moral and military- patriotic education. All 21 classes took part, coverage was 100%.
    For the second year in a row, volleyball competitions among teachers and students are held. And if last year the competition was held between parents, students and teachers of the 10 "A" class, they were won by the parents of the students. This year, as part of the celebration of the Day of the First President, with the aim of succession of generations and bringing young people to healthy lifestyles, the competition was held between the same students, but graduates and their teachers of physical education. Students of grades 6-8 were invited as spectators and fans. It was a very entertaining and truly sporting holiday. With a score of 3: 1, students won over their mentors.
   On November 29, the classic hours “Astana - a symbol of Unity and Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Our President”, “Under a single shanyrak”, “The support of the independent country” were held in a single day from 1 to 11 classes with a visit by the administration and teachers of schools of all classes, coverage of 1419 children 100% Currently, there is an exhibition “Blossom, my republic is my darling”, which was attended by all classes, the coverage of 1,419 children is 100%.
    On November 29, 2018 history teacher Kasenova Z.Z. and Kypshakpaeva S.I. held a scientific-practical conference "Elbasy-elite bіrge" for 8-10 classes, with the aim of introducing students to the search and research activities through the activities of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On November 30, admission to the ranks of “Zhasulan” and “Zhas Kyran” took place where badges and ties were presented to the best students in grades 2–5, inviting graduates of grade 11 and veterans of pedagogical work.
Deputy director of educational work: Kupesova A.B. 87751955107