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27-02-2019 16:10

In the framework of realization of the regional project “Jas ulannyn jeti qanaty”, from the 18th to 22nd of February, The United Children and Youth Organization “Zhas Ulan” conducted an intellectual game “Ziyatker.fm” for Zhasulan residents of city and regional schools.The program of the game included questions on 5 subjects: mathematics, English, physics (chemistry), history and geography of the world.The questions were compiled taking into account age characteristics. According to the results of the elimination round, our school team reached the final of the game. The final game took place on February 22, 2019. The game was held "in one breath", all the teams showed high results in the field of knowledge in physics, geography, history and English. Our school team took the honorable 3rd place. All participants received certificates. Congratulations to our guys and wish them further success!