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Сайт отдела образования города Павлодара
Winter vacation
Winter vacation
06-01-2017 11:24
On January 6, a 2-class student visited the Sauran shopping center, where they took part in a quiz “Guess the melody” dedicated to Kazakh music. The children took an active part, learned a lot of new and interesting things about composers and performers of Pavlodar region. The competition was paddle and fervently.
Winter fun
Winter fun
07-01-2017 03:12
During the winter holidays, pupils of grade 6B school number 27 took part in the creative competition "Winter Fun", which took place in the Dauk "Sauran". Works of children were recognized as the best.
 We are for a healthy lifestyle!
We are for a healthy lifestyle!
16-01-2017 04:19
January 11, 2017 at the Center for Employment and Children's Creativity, an event was held by the Children's Association of the School of Health "Sun". Grade 6 A students participated in this event. The lesson was devoted to the issue of the final photo newspaper on the theme “A healthy lifestyle is ...”. The purpose of the event is to increase the prestige of a healthy lifestyle, develop children's and adolescent skills in society, develop students' cognitive interest, broaden their horizons an