Размер шрифта:
140 000 Pavlodar, 25 Krivenko St.
телефон доверия/Call-центр
8 7182 32 19 37

Сайт отдела образования города Павлодара
Rustemova Rizagul Ainazarovna – chief specialist of the pre-school sector
Категория: времен папка
Rustemova Rizagul Ainazarovna – chief specialist of the pre-school sector

phone number  – 320761

controls the implementation of the comprehensive program "Healthy Lifestyle"

carries out the state service "Setting up children of preschool age (up to 7 years) for sending to children's preschool organizations" in accordance with the approved standard and regulations;

interacts with the Service Center of the population and its branches for the provision of the state service "Setting up children of preschool age (up to 7 years) for sending to preschool children's organizations"

interacts with the media

controls implementation of the Law "Languages in the RK"

supervises the conduct of office work in pre-school educational institutions