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Director of secondary school


Director of secondary school  №24

Rakhimgozhina Nurgul Shampatovna

Nurgul Shampatovna was born on 26.01.1972 in the May district.In 1991 she graduated from

the Pedagogical College named after V.Vorovsky.

From 1991 to 1997 she worked as a primary school teacher and 5 years in the Chapaev High School of the May district.

In 1997 she graduated from Pavlodar State University named after Toraigyrov as a teacher of Russian language and literature at the school with the Kazakh language of instruction.

From 1999 to 2001 she worked as deputy director for teaching and educational work in the school №23 in Pavlodar.

From 2004 to 2007 she worked as deputy director for educational work in the State Institution of the Secondary School №5 of Pavlodar.

Since 2007 Director of the School№23.

Since 2008, the Director of the School №24

She was awarded with the diploma of the department of education (2015), the diploma of the Regional Trade Union Public Association (2017), the certificate of  honor of the Kazakhstan Industry Trade Union of Workers of Education and Science (2017), the Certificate of Honor of the Regional Innovation Center (2017).

Since 2017, he is the manager of the subprogram "

upbringing and education " within the framework of the implementation of the program "Ruhani zharyrou".

Nurgul Shampatovna is a participant of ideas and projects on the educational work "Atameken". Participant and winner of the city and regional competitions of the projects "Summer 2006", "Summer 2007", participant of projects of educational ideas in Astana 2006 (author and head of educational projects cycles). 2006 was the winner of the regional competition of articles of the newspaper "Stazdar". 2007 Laureate of the "Pedagogical ovation".

Has an active life position, differs mobility, closely cooperates with the media, Pavlodar radio, repeatedly published in the newspapers "Ustazdar", "Star Priirtyshya." From the school years she was fond of journalism. Repeatedly appeared before the students of the IPC courses on the management of the educational process at school.

Much attention is paid to the legal universality of the pedagogical team, work with parents and the public, as well as the issues of education, upbringing and the issues of strengthening the relationship in the school community.