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15-05-2023 10:54
On May 12, 2023, a school scientific and practical conference "KELESHEKKE BIR KADAM". The conference was attended by students of grades 1-10. Young researchers presented research projects in...
10-05-2023 09:21
On May 2, a football tournament dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the Santos Football School was held. The Fire Lynx team took the 1st place in their age category. A student of 2 “D” gra...
10-05-2023 09:19
At the city qualifying stage of the Republican forum "We will open the world of professions", in the competition of presentations in the nomination "My future profession", students...
10-05-2023 09:17
A student of the 4 "K" grade, Vladislav Pozhidaev, took the 2nd place in the Republican ice hockey tournament, among teams born in 2012, as part of the Irtysh team 2012-2013. Congratulations...
10-05-2023 09:15
In Pavlodar, a regional song and formation review, dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland day and the 30th anniversary of the armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held. Pavlodar 2 team...
"Create your future by reading a book"
28-04-2023 11:46
In secondary school 21 in the 6th ‘v’ grade, a class hour "Create your future by reading a book" was held, the students created a cluster of their future.
"My great-grandfather is a war veteran"
24-04-2023 11:33
Students of 4 A class Dilnaz Sagynova and Arsen Seilkhanov took part in the challenge "My great-grandfather is a war veteran".
"Victory Ribbon"
24-04-2023 11:30
Students of the 7th "A" class of secondary school No. 21 actively participate in the "Victory Ribbon" campaign as part of the republican military-patriotic month "Patriot"...
"Windows of Victory"
19-04-2023 12:14
Zherdeva Evelina, a student of 3 "G" class of school21, took part in the "Windows of Victory" action as part of the republican military-patriotic month "Patriot".
"Victory Ribbon"
19-04-2023 12:09
Students of the 4 "D" class KSU secondary school # 21 took part in the Republican military-patriotic month "Patriot" in the campaign "Victory Ribbon".
"Glorious sons of history"
14-04-2023 09:27
On April 13, within the framework of the Republican month of military-patriotic education "Patriot", in the 8th "E" class a class hour was held on the topic "Glorious sons of...
 “Glorious sons of history”
“Glorious sons of history”
14-04-2023 09:24
In grades 10A and 11A, a class hour was held on the topic “Glorious sons of history”. Students talked about help in the rear, the legendary heroes of the Kazakh people. Purpose: fostering...
12-04-2023 11:22
On 04.11.23, 7th grade students had a memory lesson on the topic “Kazhimukan”, dedicated to the birthday of the famous wrestler. An example for students is the life and work of a wrestler.
Preparatory groups for future first-graders with the state and Russian languages of instruction began to work at school No. 21
Preparatory groups for future first-graders with the state and Russian languages of instruction began to work at school No. 21
11-04-2023 12:57
Preparatory groups for future first-graders with the state and Russian languages of instruction began to work at school No. 21
"How to behave if scammers call you"
07-04-2023 11:31
On April 6, in the assembly hall of secondary school No. 21 of the city of Pavlodar, a meeting was held with employees of the Southern Police Department: police major, senior district police inspector...
"Scientist - Kanysh Satpaev"
05-04-2023 14:01
04/04/2023 At 9 "A" a class hour was held on the topic "Scientist - Kanysh Satpaev". Day of Science, the significance of the day of scientists continued with a spiritual value.
"Poetic Shanyrak"
05-04-2023 13:57
2023 is the year of the Russian language in Kazakhstan. As part of this event, the "Poetic Shanyrak" was held in the Central City Library on March 29, in which young actors of the youth dram...
05-04-2023 13:51
Balta Olzhas, a student of grade 9 "A" of our school, took part in the 7th legal scientific-practical conference of college students and schoolchildren entitled "Constitution of the Rep...
How fun in the library!
How fun in the library!
03-04-2023 11:27
28/04/2023 How fun in the library! Pupils of 1 "Z" gradetogether with their teacher Kristina Valerievna Besedina, chose books and immediately started reading. It can be seen that the childr...
03-04-2023 11:23
21 "The team of 5-6th graders of the National School of Education took part in the regional competitions of the National School League among schoolchildren of the Pavlodar region and took 1st pla...