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8 7182 608350
email: sosh21@goo.edu.kz
Адрес: 140 012 Павлодар қ., Камзин көшесі, 346
+7(7182) 60-73-13 қабылдау бөлімі, +7(7182) 57-85-83 вахта, +7 (7182) 57‒70‒72 бухгалтерия
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Сейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00 Бейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00
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"Қашықтықтан оқыту жағдайында тыңдауды және сөйлеуді бағалауды ұйымдастыру"
17-05-2020 22:48
The English teachers of our school are improving their professional skills by taking an active part in distance olympiad and competitions, online courses and webinars. It is the time to sum up the re...
17-05-2020 22:44
On the occasion of the international family day, Maxim Begeldinov, a student of class 2 "V", took part in the challenge"SOUL TO SOUL" with his family!
Мектеп түлектеріне аттестат тапсыру
Мектеп түлектеріне аттестат тапсыру
12-05-2020 22:59
11 сынып түлектеріне аттестаттарды тапсыру 3-4 маусымда өтеді
3 "B" class student Ramazan Nargiz
10-05-2020 23:09
3 "B" class student Ramazan Nargiz told about her grandfather, who fought in the Great Patriotic War. ESKENDIROV TOLEGEN, born in 1919 and enlisted in the war on May 20, 1942, disappeared in...
"Walk of Fame!"
10-05-2020 23:05
Kristina Kostenko, a student of the 5th "J" class, prepared a fake "Walk of Fame!" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory! ~
"Миниатюрное мастерство"
10-05-2020 23:03
В номинации "Миниатюрное мастерство" дипломом lll степени награждён Горбачевский Георгий ученик 1"Ж" класса в дистанционном конкурсе видеороликов, посвященных 75 - летию Великой По...
"Makhambet readings"
10-05-2020 23:00
On may 6, 2020, the city stage of the competition "Makhambet readings" was held remotely. Kanapya ainara, a student of class 9 "A", was awarded a diploma of the III degree in the d...
"Vocal Art"
10-05-2020 22:57
In the nomination "Vocal Art", Timokhina Margarita, a student of the 1st "Zh" class, was awarded a diploma of the ll degree in a distance contest of videos dedicated to the 75th an...
75 years of the great patriotic war
75 years of the great patriotic war
10-05-2020 22:54
The administration, the teachers of our school visit the apartments of the home front workers of our Summer Residence, awarded commemorative medals in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victor...
"A veteran of the Great Patriotic War, went through the whole war and reached Berlin."
10-05-2020 22:50
Kusainova Diana, 4G class student about great-grandfather Tusupov Kusain Tusupovich: "A veteran of the Great Patriotic War, went through the whole war and reached Berlin. He was awarded orders an...
Congratulations on your victory!
Congratulations on your victory!
10-05-2020 22:48
Students of the 2nd " G "class of the state University" SOSH # 21 " Shokanov Almansur and Serebrennikova Angelina participate in the online Olympiad in subjects. Congratulations on...
#Biz birgemiz#
#Biz birgemiz#
10-05-2020 22:32
The responsiveness of the teaching staff of the state institution"SOSH 21" allowed us to conduct the second wave of the campaign #Biz birgemiz# Assistance was provided to 70 famili...
Day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan!
Day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan!
03-05-2020 23:29
Pupils of 6 "G" class, school 21, prepared drawings with the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan!
Thank you great-grandfather for the victory!
Thank you great-grandfather for the victory!
03-05-2020 23:26
I am a student of 7E class Salapaev. N. 21 schools, Pavlodar cities. I launch a challenge dedicated to the memory of our great-grandfathers who defended our Motherland from the Nazi invaders. My great...
"Professional competence of the class teacher in a modern school."
03-05-2020 23:19
Shuakbaeva Zh.N., head of the methodological association Ivanova N.V. took part in the city online seminar "Professional competence of the class teacher in a modern school." ZDV Shuakbaeva Z...
“Peace, friendship and harmony!”
“Peace, friendship and harmony!”
03-05-2020 23:15
GU “SOSH 21” hosts a remote exhibition of drawings “Peace, friendship and harmony!” Pupil 5 "J" class, Provatorova Alice prepared the drawing "The unity of the...
" Informatization Use of technology in distance education"
03-05-2020 23:12
Today, on April 29, the regional online seminar of teachers of self-knowledge was held. The seminar made a report Kenesbaev Marina Kuatbekovna " Informatization Use of technology in distance educ...
Students of the 5th grades at the lessons of remote art work plunged into the world of delicious and healthy food. Learn to make the right menu.
Students of the 5th grades at the lessons of remote art work plunged into the world of delicious and healthy food. Learn to make the right menu.
01-05-2020 10:37
Students of the 5th grades at the lessons of remote art work plunged into the world of delicious and healthy food. Learn to make the right menu. Applying knowledge, skills, and developing creative abi...
I Remember and am Proud!
I Remember and am Proud!
01-05-2020 10:31
Demchenko Ivan Tikhonovich, my great-grandfather. Airman of the second world war, took part in the defense of Pavlov's House in Stalingrad. He reached Germany, where he met a Great Victory, leavin...
29-04-2020 19:14
1 "B" class student of SOSH # 21 Nukeshova Zhanayym was awarded a diploma of 2nd degree for high performance in the REPUBLICAN online literacy Olympiad. My dear, well done! Good luck to you...