On 21.04, 2020, the international online competition-festival "ZHULDYZ ART KAZAKHSTAN" was held within the framework of the "rukhani zhangyru"Program. Zholdasbay Ansar, a student o...
Ахметов Оспан 1917 жылы Ермак ауданы Сынтас ауылында дүниеге келген. 1938 жылдың 12 қазанында әскери қызметке шақырылып,
92- атқыштар полкіне қатардағы атқыш ретінде жіберілді. 1944 жылдың қарашасынд...
Student 2 gymnasium class GU "SOSH 21" BOTVINKO ERAMIR, teacher Hetman NV, took 2nd place in the city stage of the mathematical tournament "Bastau".
Congratulations to ERAMIR with...
The remote event "give the world kindness" is being held in the state institution "SOSH 21". A student of class 8 "A", Madenova Sayazhan prepared an essay on the topic &q...
School geography teacher 21 Esmakaeva Gulmira Bolatovna took part in the online seminar "Using effective teaching methods to improve students' functional literacy".
The educational-methodical manual “Collection of open and closed assignments for geography” of the teacher of history and geography of secondary school No. 21 of the city of Pavlodar, mast...
On April 15 of this year, students of school 21 participated in the online blitz drawing contest " salute, Victory!", which was organized by the school of the city of Pavlodar. Out of 50 con...
The commander of the rifle division from June 1942 to November 1942. 1. The commander of the chemical department from November 1942 to February 1943. 1. Chem. Instructor from February 1943 to October...
Teacher of English language school 21 Tleulenova ZO took part in the online conference "BILIMLAND, online school", where they discussed topical issues.
The Autalipov family honors the memory of the great-grandfather Autalipov Zheba. He was born on 11/15/1918. Scout of artillery and mortar units. He was deputy platoon commander. Participated in battle...
20 сәуірде онлайн режимінде ҰБТ-ға қатысуға өтініштер қабылдау басталды. Қабылдау 10 мамырда аяқталады.
20 сәуірде онлайн режимінде ҰБТ-ға қатысуға өтініштер қабылдау басталды. Қабылдау 10 мамырда аяқталады.
Grade 4A student Nazerke Mailhan read an excerpt from Abai's poem "Pride without science" dedicated to the anniversary of the great poet Abai Kunanbayevich
Teaching aid to a teacher of history and geography of school 21 Esmakaeva GB "Tasks of open and closed type in geography" recognized as the republican "Best author's work." Con...
Jadolski Joseph Mechislavovich 12.12.1915-19.05.1998 years. Called up on 29.09.1944 by the red army RVC. Participated in the battles of the third Ukrainian and second Ukrainian fronts. On January 15,...
Today, teachers of secondary school#21 Dyusenovaя R. K., Sali G., Bulanbayeva B. K. took part in the city online seminar "organization of distance learning in primary schools".
A student of the 2nd “G” class, Autalipova Aigerim, spends his time free from studies. With care for the pet, she made a cardboard house.
In the State Institution "Secondary School 21" there is a distance event "Reading is the best teaching." Pupils of the 1st “D” class, shared photos with their favorite...
16.04.2020 g in 6 "A" GU "SOSH 21" passed remotely "Adaldyk sagaty" - " Knowledge of the law-a modern requirement."
n the 1st “J” class, a remote class hour about integrity was held, students watched a video about integrity and drew drawings