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email: sosh21@goo.edu.kz
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Сейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00 Бейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00
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Ученицы 1 "Л" класса, Столярова Милана, Князькова Ульяна
04-09-2020 09:20
Pupils 1 "L" class, Stolyarova Milana, Knyazkova Ulyana, "School # 21" prepared drawings to the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
28-08-2020 22:59
Pupil 1 "V" class, Butsygina Eva, "School # 21". Awarded with a lll degree diploma in the city video competition "Flora MIX" of the Center for Employment and Development...
"On teaching children in the new school year."
28-08-2020 22:38
In "Secondary school 21" in elementary school, there were Unified parent meetings "On teaching children in the new school year."
Сынып сағатын
Сынып сағатын
28-08-2020 22:35
21.08.2020. at the State Institution "Secondary School 21" class teachers of grades 1-11 held a single republican class hour "Informing students about the specifics of education in the...
"Modern education - the time of new opportunities"
28-08-2020 22:30
The teachers of self-knowledge of our school Kenesbaeva Marina Kuatbekovna and Varga Nadezhda Viktorovna today, on August 21, took part in the city August conference "Modern education - the time...
"Assignments of open and closed types in geography"
28-08-2020 22:21
Geography teacher of Secondary School # 21, CPM trainer Esmakaeva Gulmira Bolatovna held a master class for geography teachers at the regional August readings on the topic "Assignments of open an...
"August Pedagogical Readings of Educators"
28-08-2020 22:19
21/08/2020 physical education teacher, Gryazeva Lyudmila Vasilievna, held a foresight session "August Pedagogical Readings of Educators" on the topic "On the specifics of organizing the...
"On teaching children in the new school year."
28-08-2020 22:14
20/08/2020. in "Secondary School 21" in the online mode was held the United nationwide parent meeting: "On teaching children in the new school year." The purpose of the meeting is...
"Accessibility of education: from idea to reality
28-08-2020 22:07
Speech therapist at school 21 Voronich E.S. took part in the thematic platform of social education of the August pedagogical readings "Accessibility of education: from idea to reality". The...
"Modern education is a time of new opportunities."
28-08-2020 22:04
19/08/2020 at the Secondary School # 21 the August pedagogical council was held on the topic "Modern education is a time of new opportunities." Topical issues of training were discussed and...
"Circle work in the form of a debate club" MOO "Talimger"
19-08-2020 10:22
Pupils of the 9 "V" class, leaders of the DYO "Zhas Ulan", Akhmoldina Ksenia, Komarova Sofia, senior counselor Rodionova OV took part in the online conference "Circle work in...
"Organization of methodological assistance to teachers in the context of distance learning"
19-08-2020 10:20
As part of the August events, on August 13, 2020, the director of the school Tsukrova Irina Yurievna and the deputy directors for educational work took part in a sectional session for school leaders &...
19-08-2020 10:14
Pupil 7 "a" of class "School 21" Tleubaeva Karina took part in the online intellectual competition "Zhasyn" dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet, s...
19-08-2020 10:10
Pupils of school 21 Kostenko Victoria and Kostenko Kristina took part in the online championship among boys and girls "Horseman's stance" (task: to stand for the maximum amount of time)....
19-08-2020 09:50
Pupil 7 "a" of the class "School 21" Balta Olzhas participated in the regional intellectual online competition "Zhasyn," dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the great K...
1 класс
1 класс
31-07-2020 11:44
Прием документов в первый класс продлевается до 20 августа
1 сынып
31-07-2020 11:33
Бірінші сыныпқа құжаттарды қабылдау 20 тамызға дейін ұзартылды
23.07.2020 ж.сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы күрес агенттігі онлайн режимінде "Адалдық сағат" өткізді, біздің мектептің мұғалімдері мен оқушылары белсенді қатысты. 23.07.2020г Агентство по противодействию коррупции в онлайн-режиме провёл "Адалдық сағат", гд
23-07-2020 17:34
23.07.2020 ж.сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы күрес агенттігі онлайн режимінде "Адалдық сағат" өткізді,  біздің мектептің мұғалімдері мен оқушылары белсенді қатысты.   23.07.2020г&nb...
23.07.2020 ж.сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы күрес агенттігі онлайн режимінде
23.07.2020 ж.сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы күрес агенттігі онлайн режимінде "Адалдық сағат" өткізді, біздің мектептің мұғалімдері мен оқушылары белсенді қатысты. 23.07.2020г Агентство по противодействию коррупции в онлайн-режиме провёл "Адалдық сағат", гд
23-07-2020 17:33
23.07.2020 ж.сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы күрес агенттігі онлайн режимінде "Адалдық сағат" өткізді,  біздің мектептің мұғалімдері мен оқушылары белсенді қатысты.   23.07.2020г&nb...