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8 7182 608350
email: sosh21@goo.edu.kz
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Сейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00 Бейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00
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Congratulations! Well done!
Congratulations! Well done!
10-02-2020 17:24
A combined team of 21 schools took 3rd place in the 49th city sports day among schoolchildren in the Winter Presidential All-around. Coaches: Lesin V.N., Rodkin V.A. Congratulations! Well done! 
"Life values"
10-02-2020 17:11
Lesson for parents "Life values" conducted by the teacher of self-knowledge Varga.N. V. Discussed true and imaginary values.
"Love and be friends"
07-02-2020 14:32
In the 2nd “G” class at the self-knowledge lesson, the guys answered the question “What is love?” on the topic "Love and be friends". Love for family, family, friends...
"Create your mood!"
07-02-2020 14:28
Today, in our school, within the framework of a decade of self-recognition: Pedagogy of Love and Creativity, the 6th-grade students of Bogdashina Sofia and Zavorina Sofia hosted the action "Creat...
«Махаббатқа толы жүрек!»
«Махаббатқа толы жүрек!»
06-02-2020 13:00
5 ақпанда № 21 орта мектепте 2-4 сыныптар арасында өзін-өзі тану онкүндігіне арналған «Махаббатқа толы жүрек!» тақырыбында оқырмандар сайысы өтті. Оқушылар жоғары шеберлікпен өлең оқып, се...
“Life is given for good deeds”
“Life is given for good deeds”
06-02-2020 12:56
Good root words. Good thoughts are flowers. Good are the fruits. Kind hearts are gardens. Take care of your garden and do not let it overgrow with weeds, fill it with sunlight, kind words and good dee...
"The best teacher of physical education-2020"
06-02-2020 12:42
The contest "The best teacher of physical education-2020" was held in Pavlodar. Teacher of 21 schools Karzhasov BK took part in the competition and took 3rd place! Congratulations! Well done...
Менің сыныбым - менің отбасым
Менің сыныбым - менің отбасым"
06-02-2020 12:38
Өзін-өзі тану он күндігі аясында 4 "В" сынып оқушылары "Менің сыныбым - менің отбасым", "Менің достарым - менің байлығым", "Біздің отбасымыз" қабырға газеттерін...
06-02-2020 09:50
The winner of the city intellectual competition "Mashhur-Zhusip: philosophical meaning, quests" on February, 5, the direction "poem wrote my words and learned them" also took 2nd p...
Достықты бағалайық
Достықты бағалайық
04-02-2020 08:53
In the framework of the decade of self-knowledge in the 6th grade, a lesson was held, “To value friendship”,  the guys made proverbs, developed laws of friendship
 Pedagogical advice
Pedagogical advice
03-02-2020 15:37
In school#21, a pedagogical Council was held on the topic "Development of professional competencies of a teacher as a factor in improving the quality of education in the conditions of updated con...
03-02-2020 15:15
Teachers and students of 21 schools were given the opportunity to attend the Open Volleyball Championship among war veterans in Afghanistan and local wars, which was held at the Bayantau Sports Palace.
"Guess the profession"
31-01-2020 15:00
January 30 in class 2 "E" classroom hour passed "All professions are needed, all professions are important!" A class hour was spent in the form of a game "Guess the profession...
“There are many different professions”
“There are many different professions”
31-01-2020 14:48
In the 2nd “G” class a class hour took place on the topic “There are many different professions”. The guys talked about different professions and how important each of them is.
31-01-2020 14:44
Kairbek Marzhan, a student of grade 3 “A” of secondary school No. 21, took 3rd place in the Republican contest of research projects “Zerde”, which took place on January 27-29,...
28-01-2020 15:31
The student of the 1st “I” class participated in the international MUSIK FESTIVAL competition with the KINDER HOP dance and was awarded the Grand Prix. Congratulations!
28-01-2020 15:28
January 25, 2020 The championship of the city of Pavlodar in Kyokushinkai karate was held. In which student 2 "B" class Yusubov Ratmir took 1st place in the age category of 8-9 years. Congratulations!
Congratulations! Well done!
Congratulations! Well done!
28-01-2020 15:22
01/25/2020 in the framework of the program "Rukhani genyru" an international competition and festival "ZHULDYZ APT KAZAKHSTAN." A student of 21 schools Zholdasbai Ansar won the Grand Prix of the Festival and was awarded a Certificate for free participation in the International Competition in Turkey and Bishkek. Musical Director G. Ualieva Congratulations! Well done!
 Congratulations! Well done!
Congratulations! Well done!
28-01-2020 14:14
1/25/2020 in the framework of the program "Rukhani genyru" the international competition-festival "ZHULDYZ APT KAZAKHSTAN." The vocal group “Juen Toba” - Dzhaskairatova D, Zhumakhanova S, Madenova S, Sarseneva S. took 1st place! Musical Director G. Ualieva Congratulations! Well done!
2020 жылғы 27 қаңтарда 2 ауысымда сабақтар  өткізіледі: температура 3 градус, жел 6-13 м/с.
2020 жылғы 27 қаңтарда 2 ауысымда сабақтар өткізіледі: температура 3 градус, жел 6-13 м/с.
27-01-2020 12:41
2020 жылғы 27 қаңтарда 2 ауысымда сабақтар  өткізіледі: температура 3 градус, жел 6-13 м/с.