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График приема граждан:
Сейсенбі, бейсенбі - 15.00 - 17.00
Open views
Open views
22-01-2020 22:13
These are all experiments – Interesting moments! All, all, all want to know! You need to draw everything! How did our experience turn out, How long did it last? We are surprised at e...
"Organization of educational and research activities of preschool children»
22-01-2020 08:03
22.01. 2020goda in the nursery-garden was held a pedagogical Council on the topic: "Organization of educational and research activities of preschool children" form: oral journal. Goal: sys...
"Play as one of the most effective forms of education and training of a child»
15-01-2020 08:11
Teaching hour From 15.01.2020 year Form of holding-consultation Topic: "Play as one of the most effective forms of education and training of a child»
Farewell to the Christmas tree
Farewell to the Christmas tree
08-01-2020 23:15
In our kindergarten, it has become a good tradition to hold the entertainment "Farewell to the Christmas tree".  Several groups of younger and older preschoolers participate in the fest...
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
26-12-2019 22:41
Every year at the end of December, our kindergarten organizes festive new year's matinees for our glorious children and their respected parents. After all, for every child, the New Year is the mos...
Independence Day Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
Independence Day Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
13-12-2019 22:32
SCCP "nursery-garden N86" celebrated the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan with solemn events. From 9.12 to 13.12 2019, in the middle groups there were festive entertainments &q...
Board of Trustees meeting
Board of Trustees meeting
05-12-2019 01:15
05.12.2019 g in our garden held a meeting of the parent Committee, " Over a Cup of tea." In a warm atmosphere, everyone discussed the new year holidays in the kindergarten. After discussion,...
04-12-2019 12:25
Residents and visitors of the city have access to the FREE app Darmen, which instantly notifies of storm warnings, opening/closing of trails and cancellation of classes in schools. Just download the a...
First President's Day
First President's Day
29-11-2019 01:09
     Since 2012, the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is celebrated on December 1 in our country. The day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan wa...
Open day
Open day
27-11-2019 00:45
     An open day for parents was held in our kindergarten on November 27. The open day is one of the forms of work that provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the preschool educ...
regional conference
regional conference
22-11-2019 00:19
In kindergarten / 86 passed regional conference on the theme: "Modernization and implementation of a healthy lifestyle". Since the morning, the team d / garden and head Isabekova B. Zh. good...
Child injury and its prevention
Child injury and its prevention
27-10-2019 21:17
Child injury and its prevention is an important social problem to which should be involved not only health workers, but also teachers, parents and of course the children themselves.   In &quo...
teachers' meeting
teachers' meeting
16-10-2019 08:30
In" Nursery-garden № 86 "16.10.2019 was held a pedagogical Council on the theme:" the Introduction of health work in the educational process of preschool organization." At this ped...
Open classes
Open classes
15-10-2019 23:30
As part of the implementation of the annual plan, our kindergarten held open screenings of educational activities of preschoolers.   Open displays of educational activities play an important...
Health week
Health week
10-10-2019 23:07
According to the action plan for the health Week, in our garden number 86 were held activities aimed at strengthening the health of children, the development of motor culture, familiarizing children a...
Exhibition of crafts
Exhibition of crafts
09-10-2019 23:14
Autumn is a beautiful time! The Golden time of the year. It is about this time of year that many works have been written. Introducing children we talk about the features of this time of year. No sign...
Day of languages
Day of languages
28-09-2019 22:35
"Language is an outstanding achievement of the people and its integral and inseparable feature. The development of language is entirely connected with the development of national culture , and in...
20-09-2019 23:19
In order to restore cleanliness and order in the territory of the DU, a clean-up day was organized.   It was attended by all employees of the children's institution. Lawns were cleared of...
Day of knowledge
Day of knowledge
02-09-2019 22:23
We have a lot of nice   Different days in the calendar   But there is one-the most important   The very first in September!   September 1 is the day of knowledge-a...
Installation the pedagogical Council
Installation the pedagogical Council
28-08-2019 22:16
28.08.2019 in "Nursery school No. 86" carried out an installation meeting. On which the main priorities of development of school for the next 2019-2020 academic year are established, the ann...