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email: yasli39@yandex.kz
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с 9:00 - 18:00 обед: 13:00 - 14:00
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«Gifts of Autumn»
«Gifts of Autumn»
15-11-2021 11:21
An exhibition of handicrafts made of natural material «Gifts of Autumn»  was held in our kindergarten. Children and parents took part in the exhibition. The best works were awarded wi...
Мемлекет басшысы Қасым-Жомарт Тоқаевтың Қазақстан халқына Жолдауы
Мемлекет басшысы Қасым-Жомарт Тоқаевтың Қазақстан халқына Жолдауы
15-09-2021 12:17
 Біздің балабақша ұжымында Мемлекет Басшысы Қасым-Жомарт Тоқаевтың Жолдауы талқыланды.          Президент Қазақстан халқына Жолдауында биылғы жылы Тәуелс...
"Abay's legacy is a national treasure".
28-02-2020 10:18
On February 27, teachers of our kindergarten took part in the competition "Abay's Heritage – national heritage", in which they won the prize. Congratulations to the contestants on...
Meeting of the expert Commission
Meeting of the expert Commission
28-02-2020 09:22
On February 26, 2020, a Meeting of the expert Council of the education Department of the city of Pavlodar on the theme: "Psychological and pedagogical support for children with intellectual disabilities in a correctional kindergarten was held in the state educational institution" Kindergarten No. 39 of Pavlodar city for children with intellectual disabilities". The following teachers presented their experience:: teacher-defectologist Ivanova M. A. "Integration approach in teaching children with
Seminar for students of the courses of JSC NCPC
Seminar for students of the courses of JSC NCPC "Orleu" "Methods and techniques of correctional work with children with special educational needs"
04-02-2020 11:57
On February 4, our kindergarten held a seminar For students of the courses of JSC NCPC "Orleu" "Methods and techniques of correctional work with children with special educational needs&...
Presidential starts
Presidential starts
29-11-2019 11:41
Today in our garden welcomed the participants of the competition "Presidential starts", in celebration of the day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Children together with...
Day Of The First President Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
Day Of The First President Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
27-11-2019 12:49
In connection with the celebration of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in our kindergarten, according to tradition, there was a creative action "Gift to the First Pres...
Exhibition " Autumn commotion"
25-10-2019 14:48
The exhibitors surprised us with their imagination, originality and creativity. It is very pleasant that parents did not remain indifferent and took an active part together with children in the manufa...
We have a visiting football team
We have a visiting football team "Irtysh" with gifts!!!
22-10-2019 14:47
On behalf of the children and the staff of kindergarten No. 39 we want to thank the players of the team "Irtysh". Thank you very much for your help, for your understanding and your responsiv...
Autumn came to visit us.
Autumn came to visit us.
18-10-2019 13:56
October 17, 2019. In our kindergarten there was a holiday of autumn. Children together with the Rain and the Sun together sang, danced, and played. Autumn gave the children the fun, excitement, and tr...
Saturday "Clean Friday"
26-07-2019 12:35
Today, July 26, 2019 in our kindergarten was held Saturday. As part of the environmental campaign "Taza Kazakhstan" in the city of Pavlodar was announced the action "Clean Friday".
"Bright holiday Nauryz"
19-03-2019 10:54
Today in our garden there were holidays dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz. Light holiday Nauryz, the children were greeted with songs and dances. Competed in speed and agility. Beauty Koktem trea...
Round table for psychologists of preschool organizations of the city of Pavlodar
Round table for psychologists of preschool organizations of the city of Pavlodar "Features of correctional and educational assistance to children with intellectual disabilities"
21-02-2019 14:25
On February 21 in our kindergarten a round table was held for psychologists of preschool organizations of the city of Pavlodar "Features of correctional and developmental care for children with intellectual disabilities". Master classes of correctional and educational work with children of preschool age with intellectual disabilities and with children with RDA were presented to the attention of teachers - psychologists. The joint work at the round table was effective, creative, fruitful.
Seminar " Art therapy and art techniques in correctional work of speech therapists and defectologists"
23-01-2019 15:14
On January 23, a seminar "Art therapy and art techniques in correctional work of speech therapists and defectologists" for speech therapists and defectologists of Pavlodar city was held in our kindergarten. The attention of teachers were presented master classes: "correction of fears in preschool children", "non-Traditional drawing techniques as an innovative way to work with children ONR", "Magic pebbles Marbles in the correctional work of a speech therapist", "Finger hike. Sand therapy", "meth
Master class
Master class " Toys with your own hands"
16-11-2018 15:24
As part of the action "Safe toys" in the state enterprise "kindergarten №39 of Pavlodar correctional type for children with intellectual disabilities" was a master class "Toys...
Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan on the “Growth of the welfare of Kazakhstanis: an increase in incomes and quality of life”
Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan on the “Growth of the welfare of Kazakhstanis: an increase in incomes and quality of life”
08-10-2018 16:39
On October 5, 2018, the collective of the State Committee on Children’s Kindergarten No. 39 of the city of Pavlodar of the correctional type for children with intellectual disabilities, as well as all Kazakhstanis, listened and discussed the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan on the “Growth of Kazakhstan’s welfare: increasing incomes and quality life It was noted that the President ordered the Government to raise the minimum wage by 1.
Congratulations on the award !!!
Congratulations on the award !!!
08-10-2018 16:21
We sincerely congratulate our head Ushakbayeva Nasihat Shaikenovna with the award of the diploma of the Department of Education of Pavlodar region, for high professional achievements, active fruitful work in the field of education. We wish you good health and creative success.
Kindergarten №39 took an active part in the citywide cleanup
Kindergarten №39 took an active part in the citywide cleanup
06-10-2018 11:58
Today is the 6th of October, in our kindergarten there is a Saturday. To carry out clean-up work on the clean-up of the territory, an action plan was drawn up for cleaning the adjacent territory from debris, a safety briefing was given while working at the clean-up day. Wonderful weather contributed to a cheerful mood and ability to work. Subbotnik passed very enthusiastically and actively, everyone was full of enthusiasm and desire to care for their native nature, because nature is our common h
Competition military song
Competition military song "On the heroes of bygone days ...."
05-05-2018 11:46
Today, as part of the celebration of Victory Day, kindergarten No. 39 hosted a contest of military song "On the Heroes of Old Times ...". Teachers and pupils of a kindergarten took part in i...
«Өткен өмірдегі батырлар туралы»  әскери әндер сайысы.
«Өткен өмірдегі батырлар туралы» әскери әндер сайысы.
05-05-2018 11:42
Ұлы Жеңіс күнін тойлау шеңберінде, бүгін №39 балабақшада «Өткен өмірдегі батырлар туралы» әскери әндер сайысы өтті. Сайысқа бақшамыздың педагогтары және тәрбиеленушілері қатысты. Бұл мерек...