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Сайт отдела образования города Павлодара
25-11-2019 14:01
22.11.2019 teacher of geography school#21 Esmakaeva Gulmira Bolatovna took 2nd place in the regional competition "rukhani zhangyru-globally significant project". CONGRATULATIONS!!!
"Rukhani zhangyru-globally significant project"
25-11-2019 13:56
22.11.2019 teacher of English school # 21 Magzhanova Aigul Orazovna was awarded the nomination "Bilim zhanashyry" in the regional competition "Rukhani zhangyru-globally significant project". CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Кітаптар әлемінде
Кітаптар әлемінде
25-11-2019 13:53
№1 мектеп кітапхана қызметінің басты мақсаты - оқырмандарды,жас ұрпақты қазақ ұлттық өнерімен, әдебиетімен, поэзиясымен терең таныстыру, музыка, бейне, сәулет, театр, кино, қол өнері жанрлар туралы кең білім беру және рухани байлыққа, мәдениеттілікке, Отанды сүюге тәрбиелеу, жерлес әдебиет, өнер қайраткерлерінің шығармашылығын дәріптеу жұмысын жүргізу. Сол мақсатты жүзеге асыру үшін №1мектеп кітапханасы кітапханалық жұмыстың әртүрлі әдісін қолданады... Сол әдістердің бірі қаланың басқа кі
25-11-2019 13:53
22.11.2019 the teacher of history of school # 21 Shishlov Maxim Ivanovich was awarded the nomination "Ultzhandy mugalim" in the regional competition "rukhani zhangyru-globally significant project". CONGRATULATIONS!!!
25-11-2019 13:50
The team of "Rukhani Kazyna" students of 10 "A"class took the third place in the city intellectual game "Zhasyn" dedicated to the Day of the First President. Congratulate!
"STI. Abortion"
25-11-2019 13:35
21.11.2019 g gynecologist clinic 4 Belgibaeva Z. B. held a lecture on "STI. Abortion" for high school girls.
"Safety on water bodies in winter"
25-11-2019 13:32
21.11.2019 the chief rescuer of the rescue unit of the operational rescue detachment of the state enterprise "SP and ASR of the Pavlodar region" V. V. Kozlov held a lecture on the topic "Safety on water bodies in winter".
25-11-2019 13:29
Abubakarov Muhammad, a student of the 6th “B” grade of the 21 school, took second place in the third city complex Olympiad in subjects of the natural-mathematical cycle among students in grades 5-6. Congratulations!!!
"Forming the functional literacy of primary school students in the framework of the international research PIRLS, TIMSS"
25-11-2019 13:25
On the basis of 21 schools, a workshop was held for primary school teachers on the topic: "Forming the functional literacy of primary school students in the framework of the international research PIRLS, TIMSS". Teachers of 21 schools Getmanskaya N.V., Alpyspayeva Zh.A presented the work of creative groups. In the course of practical employment, the city teachers were asked to develop tasks in the framework of international studies - at Bloom levels. At the end of the workshop, participants made
25-11-2019 13:22
On 21.11.2019, on the international children's rights day, volunteers were awarded and ordained as mediators in the framework of the rainbow school reconciliation service social project. The activists of the project presented their works.
"Personal hygiene"
25-11-2019 13:19
Today in 1 " K " class was a class hour on "Personal hygiene". Children prepared drawings, told about importance of observance of personal hygiene.
25-11-2019 13:17
20.11.2019 teacher of physical culture school#21 Alekseenko Tatiana presented her experience in the regional round of the competition "Pedagogical initiatives", which was held in the Innovation center of education development of Pavlodar region. Tatyana Alexandrovna will represent Pavlodar region at the Republican stage. Congratulations!!!
«Кітап – ғалым, тілсіз мұғалім»
«Кітап – ғалым, тілсіз мұғалім»
25-11-2019 13:16
Мұхтар Әуезов атындағы жалпы орта білім беру мектебінің кітапханасында 3 «в» сынып оқушыларының қатысуымен «Кітап – ғалым, тілсіз мұғалім» тақырыбында танымдық сынып саға...
25-11-2019 13:15
20.11.2019 teacher of history of school # 21 Ospanova Asiya Bayakhmetovna presented her experience in the regional round of the competition "Pedagogical initiatives", which was held in the Innovation center of education development of Pavlodar region. Asiya Bayakhmetovna will represent Pavlodar region at the Republican stage. Congratulations!!!
«Әл-Фараби – біздің бәйтерегіміз» атты әдеби-музыкалық дөңгелек үстел өткізілд
«Әл-Фараби – біздің бәйтерегіміз» атты әдеби-музыкалық дөңгелек үстел өткізілд
25-11-2019 13:14
 Мұхтар Әуезов тындағы жалпы орта білім беру мектебінде «Рухани жаңғыру» бағдарлама аясында мектеп кітапханасында «Әл-Фараби – біздің бәйтерегіміз» атты әдеби-музыка...
25-11-2019 13:12
On November 20, 2019, Gulmira Bolatovna Esmakaeva, a geography teacher at school No. 21, became a PRIZER (2nd place) of the Sheberlik Shyny city contest, which was held as part of the Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayev’s Know Your Land initiative. Gulmira Bolatovna presented the author’s course “Visualization of geographical ideas”. Congratulations!!!
25-11-2019 13:10
On November 20, 2019, Maxim Ivanovich Shishlov, a history teacher at school 21, became the WINNER of the Sheberlik Shyny city contest, which was held as part of the Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayev’s Know Your Edge initiative. Maxim Ivanovich presented the methodical guide "Guide to the sacred places of Pavlodar region". Congratulations!!!
"My family, Mm sound and letter"
25-11-2019 13:04
Methodical association "Baldauren" of 21 schools held an open lesson on the subject "My family, Mm sound and letter" in the 1st grade class in the framework of the decade of elementary school. (Teacher Adilova KN) During the open lesson, pupils showed the knowledge they learned so far, the speed of reading. At the same time, it was observed that pupils have the skills of group work, pair work, self-assessment, feedback, feedback. Various games, interesting tasks, interesting and active.
Congratulations to the winners!!!
Congratulations to the winners!!!
25-11-2019 13:01
One hundred and sixty-seven students of secondary school 21 became winners of the first round of the Republican Subject Olympiad for schoolchildren. Congratulations to the winners!!!
 Робототехника сабағында
Робототехника сабағында
25-11-2019 13:00
Мектепалды даярлық тобы техникалық мектептегі роботехника, қағаздан үлгілеу және  бейнелеу өнері үйірмелеріне қатысады.