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Nauryz came To us!
21-03-2019 00:14
Nauryz came To us!
In the Nursery garden № 86 was developed an action plan for the holiday Nauryz, which allowed educators, teachers,specialists to show creativity and individuality.  In the Nursery-garden, in all age groups were issued information and congratulatory folders-movement, where information was posted on the planned activities.
  The following activities were carried out in the kindergarten:
• exhibition of creative crafts "Spring bouquet to Nauryz»
• Exhibition of children's drawing "Nauryz came To us!»
• * Festive matinees "we Meet Nauryz holiday!". Children sang songs in the Kazakh and Russian languages; expressively told poems, danced "Kasietti dombra, Zhas Kazakhstan; played national games "Tyubeteyka".