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Meeting with professors
17-04-2019 17:44
Meeting with professors
Today our kindergarten № 86 met our dear guests. We were visited by: chief expert of all-Russian correspondence competitions under the auspices of the International Slavic Academy
science, education, arts and culture, Director of the exhibition "METHODICE". Academician of the ISA Professor Chernik Boris Petrovich and Professor of Pavlodar state pedagogical Institute Tarasovskaya Natalia.
N. E. Tarasovskaya became our mentor, expert and link with the International organizing Committee of the exhibition of methodological (program-methodical) materials "METHODICE".
Boris Petrovich thanked all teachers for their participation and presented to our management a collection of scientific and methodological articles "Preschool education: pedagogical search". And the collection was presented because it included an article of the Methodist of our kindergarten Polyntseva Natalia Vladimirovna . Topic : "the Experience of organizing a Museum of nature on the basis of kindergarten»
Just had a winners – gold medalists: Jacob O, H., Saichuk, L. A., Lutaeva S. A., Zarechnaya I. A. Barbu, E. A.
-Gain experience, and share experience – this is a very useful thing. It's for the benefit of the younger generation, said Boris Petrovich. He called for further cooperation with the organizing Committee of the international exhibition, outlined its priorities.
The mobile exposition of the exhibition, in which we will definitely take part, is planned in many cities of Russia and in Pavlodar.  
 Of course, innovative technologies of training and education, focused on modern approaches in education, will be welcomed. And our teachers are always in search, development, creation and implementation of such technologies in preschool education. 
In conclusion, Boris Petrovich invited those wishing to his seminar, which will be held on lake Baikal.