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Open day
30-04-2019 17:56
Open day
Open day is one of the forms of work with parents, which gives them the opportunity to get acquainted with the preschool educational institution, its traditions, rules, objectives of the educational process.
         In our garden the Open day was held on April 30.
     Information about the Open day, we informed parents in advance through a colorful ad on the stand at the entrance.   Head Isabekova B. Zh. was issued the order "On carrying out day of open doors". A plan of the event was drawn up, all groups have visual information for parents.
    Open day - an event that allowed parents to get information about the conditions of children in kindergarten, organization of regime, food, leisure.      The team of teachers sought to show parents that the institution created a safe, pedagogically competent and psychologically comfortable environment for the development of the child and strengthen his health.
     Holding An open day has allowed our kindergarten to become more open to parents and the public. And in the feedback sheet, parents left only positive comments about the open day held in the kindergarten.