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Graduation ball
23-05-2019 23:38
Graduation ball
Graduation ball in kindergarten is the most touching, the most unforgettable of all holidays. And this holiday should remain in the memory of graduates forever. Graduation in kindergarten is a very important holiday for children and their parents. It would seem that only yesterday You brought your kids, and today it's time to say goodbye to this cozy place, which has become a real second home for children.
  On may 26 in our kindergarten there was a graduation matinee! The script of the matinee was written by musical Director Shakirova Z. M. there Were songs, dances, games and gifts at the festival.
Our children have said goodbye to kindergarten and are preparing for a new life stage-admission to school. Every year our kindergarten releases not simple preschool children, but the most real talented and remarkable stars to school. Every child in the group is a little star. Everyone is talented and unique. We've grown to love them over the years. And today with pride and hope, sadness let them go to school.
Dear graduates, we wish you success at school desks.
Remember that our doors are always open for you!