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To live in the name of Love
13-02-2020 07:53
To live in the name of Love
In accordance with the letter of the Committee for the protection of children's rights of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a number of events dedicated to the decade "self-Knowledge: pedagogy of Love and Creativity"were held in Nursery school No. 86 from 3 to 12 February 2020.
"Live in the name of Love" - the talks were held in the middle groups "A" and "B", where teachers instilled in children the desire to Express and show their feelings to the world around them, developed the skills of showing love as kindness, the ability to empathize, help, and introduced them to the life and work of S. A. Nazarbayeva. Sara Alpysovna is called the Mother of the whole country, she always refuses gifts, but she gives them to small children and those in need of support. During the conversation, the children listened to poems about their mother, the song "a drop of Love".
In the older groups, there were thematic classes on the "planet of good" PROGRAM, and in the" B " group, children drew cheerful drawings with rainbow colors. In the children's drawings, birds flew up, the sun shone brightly, flowers bloomed brightly, and my mother smiled happily.
In "A" there was a lesson on ISO + applique, where children cut out and glued the "Planet of Good".
The senior group "B" held a poetry contest " Commonwealth of good hearts»
In pre-school groups, there was an action for middle groups: "a Heart filled with Love". Children in groups made applications in an unconventional way and gave them to children in middle groups. There was no limit to the joy! Children were happy when they received gifts, and those who gave them were even more happy. 
The action with parents "tree of Kindness" was held from 10.02.20. Parents together with their children remembered good deeds, entered them on prepared hearts and hung them on a Tree. 
07.02.20 g. with pre-school groups of the garden, teachers organized and held a flash mob: "Good walks on the Ground".
Starting from 06.02.20, an exhibition of drawings and crafts was organized: "Crystal spring of spirituality". Senior and pre-school groups participated in the exhibition.
A single lesson "Love is the basis of life", dedicated to the birthday of S. A. Nazarbayeva and aimed at developing the moral and spiritual potential of the students 'personality, their awareness of the importance of following moral guidelines in life, developing skills of serving society, self-realization, self-development, self-knowledge, was held in pre-school groups "A, B, C".