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email: zhiger-pavlodar@goo.edu.kz
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График приема граждан:
Азаматтарды жеке сұрақтарымен қабылдайтын кестесі: Сейсенбі, 16-00 сағаттан- 18-00 дейін Сәрсенбі, 10-00 сағаттан- 12-00 дейін
May 30th A reporting event was held in club “Balshuak”.
31-05-2019 14:34
May 30th  A reporting event was held in club “Balshuak”.

May 30th  A reporting event was held in club “Balshuak”. Students and teachers of the CTC “Balshuak” prepared a festive concert.The teachers with the pupils showed what they learned during the school year,
All the boys and girls were awarded certificates of the participants.
      The event was attended by grandmothers, grandfathers, parents of students.