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Директордың жеке сұрақтар бойынша қабылдау күндері: Сейсенбі - сағ: 14.00-16.00 Жұма - сағ: 14.00-16.00
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иә - 27
жоқ - 11
білмеймін - 10
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Тhe Day of the First President
29-11-2018 15:12
Тhe Day of the First President

   Today, the students of 6 "V" class took part in class lesson dedicated to the Day of the First President. During the class hour, the students were shown a video film titled «Әлем таныған тұлға». The purpose of the class hour is to enhance the sense of patriotism, namely, the life of the President, the way of working. In today's educational hours, students were given questions and crosswords. The learners were able to express their views and explain the answers. The educational hour was interesting to the pupils.