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Директордың жеке сұрақтар бойынша қабылдау күндері: Сейсенбі - сағ: 14.00-16.00 Жұма - сағ: 14.00-16.00
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иә - 27
жоқ - 11
білмеймін - 10
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Pride of the nation-Head of state
29-11-2018 19:12
Pride of the nation-Head of state

   November 29 at No. 7 th school held a round table on the theme "the pride of the nation-Head of state".Objective: to deepen students ' knowledge about the activities of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev. To reveal the historical role of the Head of state in the development of an independent, prosperous, democratic state. At the round table it was noted that all today's achievements of our Republic in the field of strengthening political stability, effective economic reforms, recognition in the international arena and the growth of the welfare of citizens – is evidence of a well-thought-out domestic and foreign policy of the first President Nursultan Nazarbayev.