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As part of English Language Week the students of the grade11 "A" (Teacher of English - L.Novikova) conducted a literature lesson devoted to E.Hemingway's world.
19-02-2022 18:28
As part of English Language Week the students of the grade11

As part of English Language Week the students of the grade11 "A" (Teacher of English - L.Novikova) conducted a literature lesson devoted to  E.Hemingway's world.
Students (B.Zolotov, D.Solodovnikova , V.Tsoy , N.Kertayev and D.Ahmet ) delivered Power Point Presentations about  significant works of the writer.
"The Sun Also  Rises." (1926),"For Whom  the Bell Tolls."(1940), the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel   "The Old Man and the Sea."(1952 ) were   presented  to  the audience.