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Английский в моей жизни
27-09-2014 08:17
Английский в моей жизни

В период с 15 по 22 сентября в школе проводились мероприятия, посвященные Дню языков народов Казахстана. Среди учащихся 8 «А» классе был проведен конкурс на лучшее сочинение на тему: «Englishinmylife».

Все учащиеся приняли участие в конкурсе. Учащиеся сообщили, какую роль в их жизни играет английский язык. Особо хотелось бы выделить сочинение Кашина Влада за содержательность и актуальность. В данной статье прилагается сочинение Влада.


«     English in my life.

I definitely do think, English is of paramount importance for everyday life. Learning at least one foreign language is a must in most countries of the world. Firstly, speaking a foreign language aids communication, global understanding. Secondly, learning a foreign language is educational as it helps develop the human brain.

My name is Vlad. My native language is Russian but I can speak English too. I’ve been studying it for seven years. I’ve compulsory lessons and additional ones. In the process of learning English we do reading, speaking, writing and listening. Speaking is the most important thing because English is the language of international communication and the most spoken language in the world.

My interest to the English language is connected with my future job. I’m going to be an interpreter. After school I’ll enter the university and study English professionally. School curriculum doesn’t give much so I find out some additional information about grammar, English speaking countries in the Internet and books.

English is useful in different spheres of life: economics, sport, music, high technologies and movie industry so everyone needs to know it.    »