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Volunteer groups’ youth forum.
08-12-2017 06:39
Volunteer groups’ youth forum.

Recently, in December, there was held a regional youth forum of volunteer groups of UYO "Zhas Ulan" in the Palace of schoolchildren named after M. M. Katayev. On this forum during the day topical issues were discussed that are of interest of youth volunteer associations of Priirtyshja. On the forum there were also guests from Almaty.
During the proposed time of the other volunteers staged a mass involving the public in the subject of air pollution in the city and discussed important challenges related to environmental issues and the spiritual and cultural development of the people of our country. I was very impressed by the fact that many volunteers are very sociable and active. Together we discussed solutions to these problems and have developed in their groups the following alternatives:
1. Every citizen should bear the responsibility of cleaning their yard or adjacent to the house territory.
2. Carrying out of actions of open doors in museums, libraries, theatres and other cultural and spiritual centers for bribsane wide layers of the population to the rich heritage of our people.
3. Through the media need to focus on the solution of local problems. Youth talk show, for a greater involvement of the youth.
4. Separate collection of waste, saving water and electricity, using reusable packages and utensils instead of disposable Bicycle instead of a car - even the simple methods can significantly change the environment around us.

At the end of our forum we volunteers decided to arrange a mass to attract citizens to clean the city, out to the streets and call in the form of slogans and slogans in a variety of bright costumes and demonstration of "garbage" that you guys dragged along. After we bypassed all the data we streets, the volunteers met in the same place and hung lots of posters and leaflets.