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Regional military training competition
11-10-2018 13:57
Regional military training competition

     On October 4, 2018, regional military training competitions were held at the regional specialized military school. All Pavlodar regions took part in this competition. Pavlodar town team consisted of 8 participants, including school-lyceum №20 11A grade student Eremin Danil.
     Competitions were held in following sport types: pulling up on a horizontal bar, shooting, 3 kilometers running , throwing grenades while running, shots while running, disassembling and assembling a gun, dismantling and assembling dispenser magazine.
     Danil showed the best result in horizontal bar tightening and shooting.
According to competition results Pavlodar town team took the 3rd overall team position, giving way to Aksu town team and region sports school.
     We congratulate Danil and wish him further victories!