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Magzhan readings
23-10-2018 17:02
Magzhan readings

    On October 22, 2018 there was a creative competition dedicated to talented poet, lyricist, epic poet Magzhan Zhumabaev at Pavlodar secondary school № 21. The event was held in three directions for the purpose of development of creative abilities and love of spiritual heritage among pupils of city schools. Our pupils from our lyceum № 20 took part in the following nominations and became winners:

- "Sholpanim, Ayim, Kunim" - poems of poetry reading contest. Narim Yessimkhanova, student of the 10th class, took part in it.

- Competition of young poets "The Poet is like a child". Here Damira Bayzhanovna, 9th grade, took the 2nd place.

- "Waves with waves ....." Zhumabayev's works were presented by Nurbol Karatai, a 9th grade pupil, and added his basket to the second place.

      Congratulations to all the winners of the city schools who show their talents from many pupils!
We wish creative readiness, knowledge and active students to the prepared teacher Bibigul Madatovna Shazhankhanova!