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27-10-2018 17:45
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        In accordance with the Action Plan for 2018, the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on October 24-25 held the republican competition "Best author's program." For the competition were selected 265 applications for the use of copyright. The teacher of the Russian language and literature, Topanova Gulnara Tuyakyzy, presented a separate program of the course “Introduction to Journalism”. In terms of structure and content, the first and last letter removed the author of the 2nd place in the most prestigious professional competition. The uniqueness of this program is realized through the newspaper lyceum, published in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages. The authors of the competition are published in the national collection and are used in the educational process of gifted children. Congratulations to Gulnara Tuyakovna with the highest results at the national competition "Best author's program"!