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Results of the XV Subject Olympiad
02-11-2018 21:43
Results of the XV Subject Olympiad

     November 1, 2018 in the school-lyceum number 20 was held the traditional subject Olympiad, which was held in 11 fields of science.
    The results of the school tour showed that the lyceum students have good knowledge, know how to think creatively, show ingenuity and curiosity. 185 students participated in the Olympiad, in the end - 105 prizes. The greatest number of places the lyceum students earned in the Russian language - 18, Kazakh language -15, Geography-14, Biology-13, Mathematics-12.
     In terms of classes, the highest number of prizes:
First place - 11 K class (94.4%)
Second place - 10 B class (70,8%)
Third place - 9 A class (56%)
   The Olympic team was formed from the winners and prize-winners of the school tour, which will defend the honor of the lyceum school at the city subject Olympiad.
   New creative victories, students!