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Winners in the “Ahead of Time” nomination
24-11-2018 18:25
Winners in the “Ahead of Time” nomination

           On the eve of the Innovative Eurasian University, a regional creative competition of young journalists “Kanatkaku” was held. Pupils of the school - lyceum №20 presented the «Lyceist» school newspaper for the competition. The «Lyceum» press center has been in school for seven years. The newspaper of the same name is issued by the editorial board once a month in the state, English and Russian languages, including in electronic form. On the pages of the newspaper the guys talk about their favorite lyceum, teachers, students, interesting events. The particular interests are the headings of the newspaper "In the world of interesting", "News", "It is necessary to know and be able to." The members of the press center have repeatedly despised various competitions, presenting the school newspaper. So this time the guys became winners of the “Kanatkaku” competition in the “Ahead of time” nomination.