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Honored Olympic awards.
10-12-2018 21:20
Honored Olympic awards.

   Today in the GDK named after Yestay there was a celebration of the winners of the city stage of the Republican Olympiad of schoolchildren in general education subjects. Letters and commemorative medals were awarded to the guys who showed the best results. Among them, 14 students of the school-lyceum N 20. The lyceum students made three first, one second and ten third places into the bank of success. The Olympic team of the school - lyceum was awarded a degree diploma for quality and performance. Teachers of physics Mulikbaeva TS, English language Smakova MR, French language Zaynutdinova KK were presented with letters of thanks from the Department of Education of Pavlodar for high performance of students at the 57 subject Olympiad were. New victories, dear students and teachers!