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Debate tournament of students
15-12-2018 10:48
Debate tournament of students

On December 12, 2018, within the framework of the subject week of history and law, a debate tournament was held at school - lyceum. This event was organized by the leaders of the school "Debate Club" - pupils of 11 A class Galkin Oleg and Efremov Dmitry. The topic of the debate is "Is Kazakhstan ready for the fourth industrial revolution?". The game was attended by students of 10 and 9 classes. The participants competed in oratorical skills, the ability to lead a discussion, argue their own position and refute opponents. The winners were Kusembaeva Zhamila and Uyukbai Imanas - Speakers of 10 B class. The second place is taken by the team of 9 B class, which includes the speakers of Urazalinov, San and Bayzhumanov, Makhmud. The third place was shared by speakers 10A of class Gaisin Islam and Kapenov Madiyar, 9A of class - speakers Goncharova Polina and Jensenbai Adlet. We wish new victories!