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The action "Feed the birds in the winter!"
11-02-2019 21:53
The action

       The lyceum students of the lyceum school 20 took part in the environmental campaign “Feed the Birds in Winter!” and maintain species diversity.  The guys made feeders from scrap materials. Over 27 feeders were hung on the school grounds. "Taking care of birds is necessary. Winter is one of the most difficult periods in the life of birds.The greatest danger for wintering birds is not cold, but lack of food, and therefore I have made a feeding trough. My father helped me with this. I made me up for a week for the birds. After hanging up my bird feeder, I will watch which birds arrive and will feed them until March. I hope spring will come to us along with a cheerful chirp of bird voices, "- Danil, 8th grade student, shared his impressions.