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School tour of poetry competition "Mahambetovsk’s reading»
13-02-2019 20:49
School tour of poetry competition

      12 February 2019 in the school-Lyceum № 20 of Pavlodar was held school round of the poetry competition "Mahambetovsksk’s reading". Purpose: to identify talented students who know the art of expressive reading, as well as the selection of participants for the city stage of the competition. During the selection stage, teachers and students listened carefully to the performances of the contestants and identified the best readers. The students recited all the poems they had prepared, showing the high skill of expressive reading. The winners of the school competition "Makhambet readings" were the following students: Yessimkhanova-expressive reading, Poetic-Baizhankyzy Damir, folk instrument-Karatai Nurbol. We wish the winners creative success and achievement of victories in the city round of the competition.