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“Mercy is the highest virtue”
14-02-2019 13:54
“Mercy is the highest virtue”

     Today at the school-lyceum №20 a training was held - a lesson called “Mercy is the highest virtue”. The purpose of the training is to strengthen relations between students, to get rid of negative mood, to know oneself, to respect, appreciate, do good things. To cultivate kindness, responsiveness, care. Explain to students the essence of the attention of selfless love through the purity of thoughts. Training - lesson began with a greetingvideos about kindness, mercy were shown, analysis was carried out according to its meaning.In addition, the exercise “Unfinished Proposal ...” for students were given white sheets, and they should complete the sentences “I dream ...”, “I believe ...”, “I strive ...”, then everyone read and share their opinions one by one. At the end of the lesson, students wrote wishes to each other, classmates, and all of humanity. All wishes are written from the heart. In general, the training was interesting and fun, the students took an active part and got a good mood.