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City Stage of Makhambet readings.
18-02-2019 10:40
City Stage of Makhambet readings.

            On February 15, 2019, a city tour of the Makhambet Readings poetic competition was held at school number 14 in the city of Pavlodar.

Objective: to identify talented students with expressive reading skills, to develop creative potentialin the works of Makhambet.The main event was held in 3 stages

- “I am– the child of Utemes Makhambet!”

- “Uly Arman”

- "Tartynbay Sayler asylma ..."

- At all stages of the students were able to show their talent. Many talented pupils of city schools took part in the competition, among them the 9th grade student Baizhanovna Damira took the 2nd place, ahead in the nomination "Tartynbay Sayler asylmyn ..."

  We wish creative successfor our student!