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Intellectual quiz "Own game"
22-02-2019 12:43
Intellectual quiz

        Intellectual quiz "Own game", In school-Lyceum №20 started the week of natural and mathematical Sciences. The opening of the week began with the intellectual quiz "Own game", which was attended by students in 8-11 grades. The game was played in 3 stages. Stage 1-qualifying round: teams answered questions of subjects of natural and mathematical cycle. The task of each team is to score as many points as possible.

     In subsequent rounds, each question had its own value: if the team answered correctly, points were added, incorrectly-taken away. The right answer on question reported receiving team, the first raised hand. Lively and with great interest for students were quizzes "Auction", " cat in a bag."

       From 8 teams to the final reached 4 teams. In hard struggle won the team 11A class in the composition of: Yeryomin Daniil, Yefremov Dmitriy and Kurganov Georgiy

       Congratulations to the winners!